Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Once upon a time...

Isn't that how the people of olden times always start their stories? "Once upon a time." Unless you're one of the creators of "Once upon a time" on ABC. Anyways, the beginning of this blog is about 85% un-organization, 10% of rambling on and on and on, and then the remaining 5% of sarcasm, my second language. Well it's more like my first language that has a base root of english. Back to the story. My supervisor at the casino I work for has told me numerous times that I should start a blog, so viola! I declare this day, blog day!
A little bit about myself before you think I'm beyond weird. I'm a recent college graduate and am also enrolled in grad school now going for my master's degree in architecture. For me, I think buildings have the right to tell their own story and how the ability to keep secrets, and be part of memories that help one define home from just a house. I also am very interested in historical preservation and restoration/ renovation. I would like to help tell these stories for the houses and buildings that no longer are capable of doing so on their own. I also like to bring buildings back to life. I don't think a building should just be forgotten because  it's no longer the best and newest thing available.
I have a wonderful mother and father who have been a large part of my decision to become an architect, and I have a younger sister who shares in my love of sarcasm. Although with my dad being who he is, sarcasm runs in our blood. I have an incredible boyfriend who I've been dating for a little over four years now. I'll tell you the story of how we met soon, but not yet. (Gladiator reference anyone?) I have two cats at home, Timmy and Tina, both of which I'm allergic to. I went away to college in Boston thinking I was getting smarter, and I come back home with sneezing fits and itchy eyes that make it look like I'm on crack or something. At that time I had two dogs, Lilly and Daisy, and three cats, the already mentioned Timmy and Tina, and then Suzie. Unfortunately none of them allowed me safe passage when I went home to visit my family, and shortly after I first realized I was allergic to my pets, Claritin and I became good friends.
Ok, now some fun facts. Favorite food: pasta with hamburger and plain sauce. I prefer Ragu traditional. Also, I really like pickles. Favorite animal: horse. I always wanted a horse, and a ferret, but those little buggers are vicious. Favorite color: blue. Favorite movie: I have 2, Gladiator and the Notebook. Ryan Gosling is hot. I should mention to you that I'm also a huge Twilight fan and am Team Edward all the way. It's Legend wait for it, dary! I've been watching How I met your mother a lot lately on Netflix and Barney's one liners are epic. However it is getting late and Ted, Robin, Lily, Marshall and Barney are all calling my name. Till tomorrow.

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